A Derm Recommends Getting This Skin-Saving Laser This EXACT Week in January
Liz Ritter , Executive Managing Editor |

Photo Credits: Shutterstock | Model Used for Illustrative Purpose Only
Poor January. In the game of months, you sure do have a bad reputation. For some of us, you’re simply way too cold. For almost all of us, you feel sluggishly long and tiring as we crawl out of the post-holiday hibernation hole and face reality with a few extra pounds to our name.
In the world of skin-transforminglasers though, you may just have a very strong selling point.
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New York dermatologistHeidi Waldorf, MD pegs this specific week as a really good one to get a noninvasive laser treatment. “I just saw a patient who has gotten aFraxel treatment this same week of January annually for the last several years. I think even the same day of the week!”
So why now? Dr. Waldorf says even though glowing skin is always in style, this time of year is kind of perfect for a laser’s post-procedure steps, downtime and ease of scheduling.
“It’s not a tremendous social time because it is cold and snowy. The snowbirds have flown south, the holidays are over and the next round of holidays and most weddings don’t pop up again until spring. All of that makes it the perfect week to have three to five days of downtime. Plus, no one minds using heavy moisturizers because it isn’t hot, humid, sweaty weather. And, even though I ask everyone to wear sunscreen daily on any exposed skin, not a lot is exposed in the northeast in January.”
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